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Become a Member

Join the NGO Committee on Mental Health (NGOCMH) to bring awareness to an important, global issue. As a committee, we are committed to creating a space where those battling mental health know that we are in their corner. Through our advocacy and available resources, our committee strives to work with global leaders to provide much-needed support to those battling mental illness. As a committee and advocates, we are here to globally support those that need. We encourage you to join our force so that together we may battle the stigma placed on mental health and move forward together to a brighter, supported future.


Why Join?

Everyone is battling or knows someone battling a mental health condition. The NGO Committee on Mental Health gives you a platform to voice your opinions and concerns with supporters encouraging you to speak up to the much-needed funding, research, and support mental health conditions need so that the stigma may be removed and resources and make a positive impact in our world. YOUR voice matters with NGO Committee on Mental Health


Who Can Become a Member?

We encourage everyone to become a member. In order to support the cause to make a greater movement, we ask for minimal member fees to support the committee's forward movement and global impact. We encourage students to voice their opinions and offer suggestions as they learn new material so offer a $0 membership fee for current students



We require ALL members to attend each monthly meeting.


Annual Membership Dues


Member Organization: $100

Any non-profit organization that would like to be a part of this mental health committee.


Regular Member: $50

Open to representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in consultative status with ECOSOC. 

Regular members have full rights of participation and eligible to hold office


Associate Member: $35

Open to members of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) associated with the UN Department of Public Information (DPI).

Associate members have full rights of participation except to hold elective office.


Student Member:  $25*

Requires student verification submission



* Students- Please send us student verification including your name and school:




 Please reach out if interested in joining the committee meetings or if you have any questions. We are here to help: 

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